All of our products were carefully curated with our fellow dread heads in mind, and they are completely safe, wholesome and strongly recommended for the whole family as well!
As promised – we have searched the world over, trialled and tested many products and present to you only the finest, most nourishing, earth-friendly and sustainable products which are essential for the correct care and management of all your dreadlock grooming needs here in the tropics.
In the early stages of sourcing and testing various products, we quickly realized that even though every product we came across worked well for our hair and body while we were in a certain climate, they often did not yield the same results when used in a different part of the world. Temperature and humidity have as much of an impact on your scalp and skin, as it does on the hair and body care products which we use. In addition, many skin and body care products commonly found out there often contain micro chemical-based additives (i.e. parabens, SLS, petrochemicals, artificial scents/colours and various sulphates) which are not only detrimental to our health but are harder to biodegrade and remove cleanly from the environment! Needless to say, we avoid these sorts of products entirely!
All of the products featured here in our shop are crafted entirely out of all-natural ingredients, with no chemical additives at all! All-natural goodness – designed to be clean, green and mountain-stream friendly! Products are meticulously and painstakingly crafted in small-batch processes to preserve the quality and ensure the continued sustainability of all herb, fruit and vegetable based ingredients used. Consisting entirely of organic ingredients, our products can be used together as a collection or interchangeably with any of your regular grooming products if you feel the need to mix it up.